Niki & Dang | Engagement | Sunset Cliffs, CA

It's not every day that two people meet and automatically fall in love. To really have an understanding of each other, it takes time, devotion, perseverance and a big heart. When that moment does happen though, that's true love!

If you ever get a chance to meet Niki and Dang, you will come to a realization that these two are almost complete opposites.  Dang is more reserved while Niki is more outgoing. Yet, they are perfect for each other. They both share their love for food, good company, and a glass of wine. 

Niki loves to indulge in a delicious bowl of ph (Vietnamese noodle soup), and Dang loves to cook up some ph completely from scratch...... 

To make a long story short, Dang is one lucky guy to have won Niki's heart! 
